In general use a deployed tablet is configured for use with a single Arcus portal and no user action is required to change this, this ensures that the tablet app and portal have been checked and are running the same, compatible versions (You should not attempt to change portal configuration on the tablet without first being instructed to by Askaris support or your operations team).

In order to change the configured portal on the tablet you will need to follow these broad steps;

  1. Force stop the app (prevents any further data sync)
  2. Change the app configuration
  3. Start up the app and allow it to perform an initial sync.

Force stop the app

This is to be done once you have fully completed the job, all inspections and data are up to date, we recommend doing this in a good wifi area and not before you have seen the ‘Sync Complete’ message at least once after your final edits, and your local changes count is ideally at 0.

  • Navigate to the Settings application on the tablet, tap Apps, then tap Arcus Inspect, you should see something similar to below;

  • Tap the 'Force Stop' button, press the Ok button to confirm, and exit out of the Settings App

Change the Inspect App configuration

If changing portals on the inspect app is likely then the configuration details should have been provided to you by your ops team prior to commencing the job, if however you are unsure you can find the required configuration by logging into the web portal of the portal you wish to switch to and looking at the link in the address bar, eg;

The two pieces of information you require are the Sync Server and the Sync Site, the unique combination of these two defines where the tablet syncs and they must already exist, in this example the values are;

You do not need any trailing / characters, or anything else in the address bar after the sync site.

With this information open the Arcus Sync Settings app on the tablet and change the two fields as required below;

So if your sync server was you will enter (add :443 to the end) and your sync site will be demo no other characters or symbols.

Do not change any other settings unless instructed.

Login to the Arcus Inspect App and Resync

Ensuring that you are still, actively connected to a good internet connection, You can now re-open the Arcus Inspect App and login using the provided credentials to the portal you are switching too (may be different).  If the tablet was pre-setup for this second portal then you will be able log straight in and the tablet will perform a normal sync to catch up with any changes.

If however the tablet was not pre-setup then you may get a login error, if this is the case then just wait for 60 seconds and try again, it will be downloading the new user accounts.  Once logged in you will need to be patient as it does a full initial sync from the portal (Inventory, Images, Job details etc) you can see progress on this sync by looking at the sync notification by pulling down from the top of the tablet screen.

We do not recommend you perform any work on the tablet until the sync is complete as you may create duplicate records which you will need to clean up later in proof reading.